We serve our community

Our business is to help your future.

Welcome to Early County

Whether you are planning to relocate temporarily or permanently we have all the information you need to help make your transition much easier.

New Residents Guide

Who We Are

An organization devoted to regional promotion and building for the future.

The Blakely-Early County Chamber of Commerce works for our community and the businesses located within it. We are fortunate to be in an area that has a strong existing infrastructure and is ripe for development. 

The principles of leadership, conservation, and perseverance will allow us to continue building an economic climate that is beneficial to our region and the state of Georgia.


Our Sponsors

The Blakely-Early County Chamber of Commerce works for our community and the businesses located within it. We are fortunate to be in an area that has a strong existing infrastructure and is ripe for development.


Join our Chamber

The Chamber works to provide your company with advantages not easily gained alone.